Supporting the vitality of local congregations by helping them develop affordable housing on under-utilized land
Does your church have an under-used parking lot or land?
Could an affordable housing community revitalize your congregation?
We Provide a 3-Step Pathway to Your Congregational Housing Initiative
Gather insights and build connections with other congregations that have successfully developed affordable housing on their land. Learn More >
Utilize our discernment resources and tailored workshops as your congregation considers how God might be guiding your response to the housing crisis. Learn More >
Receive support every step of the way with educational and technical assistance as your affordable housing vision comes to life. Learn More >

What unique gifts do we have to bring to our neighborhood?
What gifts can our neighbors bring to us, in ways that could transform and energize our congregation?
How can our property be of service to others?
How do we think theologically about land and the built environment?
Is it possible to create positive social impact and financial returns for our church?
Congregations Are Asking…
Congregational Land: Data and Policy Pathways for Affordable Housing in Denver Metro
In partnership with the University of Colorado Denver, Abundant Ground has produced an insightful report analyzing the potential for affordable housing development on congregational land. This report offers a detailed land analysis, policy recommendations, and a development guide to help faith-based organizations navigate the process.
"There is no organization I trust more to support churches through the complex processes of developing affordable housing and stewarding their properties for the justice and welfare of the community than [Abundant Ground]."
Nathan Davis Hunt, Co-Founder and Former Leader of the Congregation Land Campaign
"Jessica and Joseph thoroughly researched our questions, provided a framework for thinking about the process, and led a productive discussion about the many considerations and options. Their faith, knowledge, and passion for affordable housing is inspiring. I feel we have truly found valuable and committed partners."
Jefferson County Church Leader
"I have known Jess since 2018 and have found her to be a leader of utmost integrity with many years of proven experience working with churches in metro Denver as real estate agents and as educators."
Hugh Brant, Faith Leader at Cities Project